
Angela Kahveci

MA Ceramics

Instagram: @tales_from_the_clay

Artist Statement:
I am a ceramicist interested in archaeology, in particular the Bronze Age pottery that is found near my home in Cornwall. I am also inspired by the creatures of the Cornish seas and concerned with the issue of plastic pollution that is so evident here. In the series, A Future Archaeology and Specimens From A Future Sea I have imagined that when the Great European Seas recede in 20,000 years time, an archeologist and a biologist find artefacts from the Anthropocene Era and specimens of rotifer/human creatures. They hypothesise about what might have caused the hybridity of humans with sea species and the extinction of much of life on earth. My pieces are made using traditional modelling and slip casting techniques with glazes that I have developed to be metallic, opalescent and crystalline. They are presented as if in a distantly future museum exhibition about the fate of humanity.

Tavistock Place

01752 203434
