
Helen Skidmore

MA Printmaking

Email: hskidmore8@gmail.com
Instagram: @hskidmore8

Artist Statement:
Helen Skidmore is an artist/printmaker who makes many drawings whilst out walking and on her return to her studio, translates these into printworks. Her drawings respond to the rugged rocks and layered cliffs, wild seas, clouds and wind, the palimpsest of liminal tidal reaches that she is inspired by. Through her printmaking she has found a way in, revealing a deeper narrative from emotional and spiritual enquiry. In printmaking a complex intaglio plate is where an element in a series of works remains constant. Through drypoint Helen draws out the constancy of the landscape from her drawings and plate tone is carefully worked in to suggest the changing narrative. Her latest work combines her walks along the North Coast of Cornwall with response to the current pandemic.

In ‘Receding Tide, Black Rock’ the cliffs have become a fallen figure, in a shroud and the receding tide to the loss of life. ‘On the Edge, Black Rock’ is a religious symbol of the journey between two worlds.

Helen is a member of Swanskin Printmakers.

Tavistock Place

01752 203434
