
Martin Müller

Dean's Award 2019

Martin Müller documented dialogue with four tradesmen currently working on the building site of The Box, the new cultural and heritage centre in Plymouth, opened in 2020. His installation allowed visitors to experience the knowledge these tradesmen possess, and to explore their unique perspective on a building-in-progress.

The building process of architecture is concealed after a construction is finished. In this regard, a tradesman has a unique perspective on this process. His experiences and skills are at the same time the foundation and the result of his work on a building site. Martin Müller had the opportunity to record four tradesmen who had worked on the renovation and  building of The Box, the new cultural and heritage centre in Plymouth.

The  installation allowed visitors to experience the knowledge these tradesmen possess, and to explore their unique perspective on a building-in-progress. He encourages the visitor to bodily engage with an installation that tells their stories.

Tavistock Place

01752 203434
