
Nadine Lamb

MA Photography

Email: nadinelambphotography@gmail.com
Instagram: @nadinelambphotography.
LinkedIn: nadine-lamb-8292151a2

Artist Statement:
I use photography to explore the complex synergy between the psychogeographical nature of the land and its water. The images are documentary in nature and capture a real raw narrative that reflects their experiences at a time of change resulting from the menopause. The images capture the coming together of a group of women who call themselves wild women wild swimmers. Hydrofeminism allows women to be a body of water within a body of water. This shared ritual is symbolic of empowerment resulting from the shared bonds of the sisterhood within an environment that embraces and nurtures. The sisterhood are clearly defined in the photographs as a community. This highlights the essential role of shared experiences and support as a means for the group to challenge societal norms. As a medium water allows us to step away from the significant effects of the menopause. Website coming soon.

Tavistock Place

01752 203434
