
Nicky Harwood

MA Printmaking

Website: nickyharwood.co.uk
Instagram: @nickyharwoodartist

Website: thecreativegym.co.uk
Instagram: @the_creative_gym

Title of Work: “Parachute”

Artist Statement:
Nicky Harwood is a printmaker based in Cornwall. Her work is concerned with landscape, place and disposable culture. Working predominantly in cyayanotye, she uses rot, decay and repair as a means of subverting the traditional idea of printmaking. Completing her MA in Printmaking from Plymouth College of Art in 2020, Nicky exhibited with artist Vanessa Allen in Plymouth Art Weekeneder and they have plans to tour with the instillation in 2021. Both making work outside they plan to show the work within the landscape.

Nicky is passionate about accessible printmaking, favouring press free processes for her own practice, and enabling others the access to creativity activity. She was invited to travel to Impact 10, Santander in 2018 with Plymouth College of Art where she shared the takuhon process in a collaborative project for the college. Also in 2018, she founded The Creative Gym, with the aim of delivering an arts for wellbeing programme for her local community. The Creative Gym moved to new premises in 2020, and plans for the opening of a community art studio are afoot. She also runs creative sessions as part of the mental health team for Cornwall College.

Tavistock Place

01752 203434
