
Sam Westlake

MA Painting

Instagram: @samwestlake_
Email: samuelgwestlake@gmail.com

Title of Work: “Pilgrim Wetsuits”

Artist Statement:
On a surfer’s pilgrimage to the waves they traverse boundaries both physical and mental. The wetsuit comes to represent another wall. However, by combining an experimental walking practise with other cross-disciplinary mediums I hope to gain a better geographical knowledge and soften the transition from land to sea; the wetsuit can bind earth and water and the surfer can flow effortlessly from one to the other. With luck, the wetsuit’s abstracted landscape when glimpsed for fleeting moments will promote an at-one-ness with nature, and show the obstacles the surfer has overcome to relish that moment of stillness. The suit therefore, embodies a dedication to the sport.

Tavistock Place

01752 203434
