
Tressa Thomas

VCs Commendation PG Award (Winner)

MA Creative Education

Instagram: @inthe__making
Email: inthemaking.collaboration@gmail.com

Artist Statement:
I am a socially-engaged artist and educator with a focus on the transformative power of embodied learning. I believe one of our greatest tasks as teachers and learners within the creative arts is to learn to recenter the body. My work is rooted in material-led and body-led making, asking participants and viewers to understand material, space, and body as equal partners within the creative process. My work seeks to pull us away from a capitalist model of production and value and to instead help us foster a reciprocal relationship with nonhuman and material worlds. The piece featured at the MA Summer Show is the result of an intuitive sculpting workshop I hosted on 6 July, 2023. Many thanks to our videographer, Nadine Lamb, and workshop participants: Kate Anstead, Michele Azzopardi, Lorraine Gilroy, Belinda Ready, Donna Robson, Laurence Shelley, and Annabel Smart.

Tavistock Place

01752 203434
