
Zenna Tagney

MA Ceramics

Website: zennatagney.wordpress.com
Instagram: @zennatagney
Email: zennatagney@gmail.com
Twitter: @ZTagney
Facebook: Zenna Tagney Artwork

Artist Statement:
Zenna Tagney is a visual artist working predominantly in ceramic and mixed media sculpture. Zenna has been using her time on the Ceramics MA to research deeper into Cornish folklore and culture in 'Clay country', looking at its connections to the landscape and the impact of the China clay industry. This has resulted in a varied body of work, including: sculptures, puppetry, printmaking and mapping, video work, exploratory writings and plans for socially engaged projects.

Zenna has a degree in Contemporary Crafts from Falmouth University, graduating in 2011. Since then she has run numerous community projects and creative workshops, participated in a number of exhibitions and residencies, including internationally - representing Cornwall at Lorient Festival Interceltique (2015) and as part of the Tosta project, Donostia/San Sebastian, European Capital of Culture (2016). Zenna is currently part of the ‘Brickfield’ team, reviving the traditions of brick making in Cornwall and reconnecting people with clay.

Tavistock Place

01752 203434
